
Detox Value Proposition:
When you detox fluoride & chlorine & the toxic metals mercury, aluminum & lead etc. your body can work optimally.  When you get the halogens & heavy metals out from your brain, thyroid, adrenals & reproductive systems you just feel better.  You have more energy, you have more intelligence, more mental clarity, your skin clears up (beauty), & all the other healthy things you are doing just work better.  Thyroid, breast & ovarian problems just go away & your body starts to work as the spiritually sensitive vessel it was designed to be. 

Disclaimers: Views & Opinions of Dr. Ben DSM & in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views & opinions of iMedDo. iMedDo products are sold as health supplements for health support subject to the FDA disclaimers: Products Not Evalulated by FDA & not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. Read & Understand the Health Supplement Mindset at iMedDo.com Guide.

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